General Meeting of June 23, 2019
Board Members Present: Fred Spiller
Members Present: 7
Terry Webb
Linda Lee Chevalier
Richard Line
John M. Chevalier
Larry Marts (Not Present)
Alan Hyde
The President, Fred Spiller, called the General Meeting to order at 9:57 am.
The Secretary, Linda Lee Chevalier, read the Minutes of May 26, 2019. With no
corrections or additions, a MOTION was made by Tom Skutnick to accept the Minutes as
read and was seconded by Karen Line. The Minutes will stand as read.
The Treasurer, Richard Line, read the Financial Statement for May 31, 2019. The
previous balance was $8.374.83. We deposited $2,182.88 and expenses were $1,696.33.
The ending balance is $8,930.38. With no corrections or additions, a MOTION was
made by Bill Benoit and was seconded by Karen Line. The Financial Statement will be
submitted to record.
Fred said that hopeful everyone has plenty of ammo. The new law regarding the ammo
will take effect July 01, 2019. Let the representative know how you feel about some of
the California Laws.
If your do not have the new Drivers License with the bear and star in the upper right
comer, you will not be allowed to purchase any firearms. The new law takes effect
November 2020 for the new license.
Richard would like to have a challenge between all the Members. It cost would be
$25.00 or whatever you can afford. This would help us get money for some of the
improvements to the range. The money would be placed into a savings account.
Gene Roemhild we were planning on doing a surcharge on all Members? We have not
discussed that with anyone as of yet. If they don't want to do the challenger, then the
Membership dues will have to go up. Alan said that we would let the Members know
about the challenger going on and see what they are willing to do.
Bill Benoit wanted to know about a Newsletter. Alan said that we would do something
like that, but it would also include the challenger or anything else that should be printed.
Linda said that we could send the Newsletter by email, but people do not keep us up to
date when they change their emails. People would like to have the Newsletter quarterly
and just major items.
Annette Spiller would like to send a flyer about our up coming shoot in October. John
said that it is on the web site. The date will be Sunday, October 13, 2019. It will be
called the Ghost and Goblins Shoot. A MOTION was made by Bill Benoit to accept
October 13, 2019 for the shoot and was seconded by Earnest Williams. The Members
present carried said MOTION.
Alan would like to get more Members involved with the Club. He would like to find a
web master who can make the site attractive to the general public. The November sign
out from will be removed and we will put the new date up.
John will still do the flyer and the tickets for the firearm to be given away.
John said that he thought that he had the thrower fixed, but no. The man in Redlands does
not fix the Lincoln Thrower. John will try and see if Homer from Mojave can come and
fix the thrower. John will let the Members know how things are going on with the
John said that on the Security Guards and their qualifying. Do you want to go back like it
was where you could shoot while the Guards were getting ready or do you want it where
you cannot shoot when the Guards are present? The Members decided that it should be
the old way. A MOTION was made by Bill Benoit to go back the old way, where
Members could shot while the Guards are getting ready. This was seconded by Tom
Skutnick.. The Members present carried said MOTION. NOTE: If someone does not
like the old way, then they need to come to a Meeting and voice their opinion.
John wanted to know what kind of firearm do we want to give away at the October
shoot. He said that we still have the shotgun that we purchased last year. The Members
agreed to give the shotgun away.
Alan said that the Senior Partners has been working on getting some advertising for the
Club. He already has one account and they will have their ads on one side of the building.
The cost would be $300.00 to $1 ,000.00 per month. Alan said that he told them that they
could use the south side of the building for the ad. He is also talking to Turner's and their
ad would be more due to the fact that their ad will be bigger. The money is not going to
the Club, but to the partners because they own the property. The partners have agreed
that all the money that is brought for the ads, will go back to the Club for improvements.
One thing that the partner's want done is to have the well dug. Lowell Daugherty would
do the drilling and would cost around $8,000.00. Alan thought that one of the partner's
would go the four comers to Pilot and see if they would like to advertise on our building.
We do not want to paint the building as of yet.
With all the advertising that could be going on, we will need more lights for the
After we drill the well, we want to change the fence line on the south side to have a trap
sight. We would like to get a container for the south side to house all the trap equipment.
Board needs to authorize trade outs for items instead of paying. It would be like a barter
Alan would also like to see the Club 100% NRA Members. By do this we would be able
to get a grant from the NRA for range improvements.
With no further business to discuss, a MOTION was made by Karen Line to adjourn the
General Meeting and was seconded by Earnest Williams. The President, Fred Spiller,
adjourned the General Meeting at 10:34 am.
Minutes prepared by: ~
Secretary for W.V.V.S . .
General Meeting of July 28, 2019
Board Members Present: Fred Spiller
Terry Webb
Linda Lee Chevalier
Richard Line
John M. Chevalier
Larry Marts
Alan Hyde (Not Present)
Members Present: 13
The Sgt.at Arms, Larry Marts, called the General Meeting to order at 9:55 am.
The Secretary, Linda Lee Chevalier, read the Minutes of June 23, 2019. With no
corrections or additions, a MOTION was made by J .R. Lohnes to accept the Minutes as
read and was seconded by Juanita Marts. The Minutes will stand as read.
The Treasurer, Richard Line, read the Financial Statement for June 30, 2019. The
previous balance was $8.930.38. We deposited $982.13 and expenses were $1,489.29.
The ending balance is $8,423.22. We have $885.00 in the savings account so far. Rick
would like thank everyone who did the Club Challenge. With no corrections or
additions, a MOTION was made by Karen Line and was seconded by Earnest Williams.
The Financial Statement will be submitted to record.
Fred said that all he has is; to let your elected official know how you feel with regards to
the ammunition or anything that is going on with the State of California with regards to
gun Laws.
The new Law for the ammunition should have never been started. There was a case filed
in July 2018 regarding this matter. The NRA and CRP A have filed a Motion to stop the
sale until it is settled in the Courts. They should have an answer by the end of August.
Also, if you do not have the firearm that you are trying to purchase the ammo for, you
cannot buy the ammo. This does not help Law Enforcement, Security Guards or any
Correctional Officers who have to practice.
Richard stated that if you are going to do the challenge between the Members or
Business, the checks has to be made out the either Rick Line or Linda Lee Chevalier.
There are two businesses that did the challenge, also.
John informed the Members that someone is moving the rifle benches around and is not
putting them back. The benches will be fastened to the ground and welded. The benches
will be permanent.
If you see any mistakes with the flyer, please let John know. There is some misspelling
and the originals flyer will be on colored paper.
John let the Members know that we will not be open to the public. We spend 4 hours at
the range and we have only had 3 people show up. We do get a lot of calls, but most
people want to rent the guns and buy the ammo. We will not do this, due to someone
coming in using our guns and then shoot them selves. We will then be open to a large
law suit. We will try and open the range back to the public in September during the
hunting season.
Larry said that Alan was here and he asked him about painting the front of the building.
Alan told Larry to go ahead and paint half of the building. The paint will match the water
Larry is redoing the little trailer that will haul the cannon. He will need lights, a battery
and also get the trailer registered.
With no further business to discuss, a MOTION was made by Chuck Kinnear to adjourn
the General Meeting and was seconded by Earnest Williams. The President, Fred Spiller,
adjourned the General Meeting at 10:24 am.
Minutes prepared by:
Secretary for W.V.V.S.C.
General Meeting of September 22, 2019
Board Members Present: Fred Spiller (Not Present)
Terry Webb
Members Present: 8
Linda Lee Chevalier
Richard Line
John M. Chevalier
Larry Marts
@Alan Hyde (Not Present)
The Sgt.at Arms, Larry Marts, called the General Meeting to order at 9:47am.
The Secretary, Linda Lee Chevalier, read the Minutes of August 25, 2019. With no
corrections or additions, a MOTION was made by Karen Line to accept the Minutes as
read and was seconded by Juanita Marts. The Minutes will stand as read.
The Treasurer. Richard Line read the Financial Statement for August 31, 2019. The
previous balance was $8.930.38. We deposited $1,930.00 and expenses were $1,652.16.
The ending balance $8658.58. We have $885.00 in the savings account so far. With
no corrections or additions a MOTION to accept was made by Karen Line and was seconded by Bill Benoit. The Financial Statement will be submitted to record.
Terry is working on obtaining more railroad ties. He will keep us informed as to the
status of the ties.
Linda informed the Members that Alan and Lanny Hyde are planning on bring two
tractors out on the 28 of September. We will be removing the railroad ties and cleaning
up the range. All the work will be on the range and not in the Clubhouse. On October
the 6th will be in the Clubhouse and the storage area on the other side of the building.
There are two lists by the sign-in sheet and if you can, please sign both sheets. On the
refrigerator is a sign-up sheet for food if you would like to bring out on the 13th of
October. We are going to have about 100 burritos from Del Taco in Barstow. Fred and
Annette Spiller will bring hamburgers and hot dogs.
Rick and Karen line have talked with the Manager at Turners and they might be corning
out to our shoot. John and Linda Lee Chevalier will be talking with the gun store in
Apple Valley and see if they would like to come out.
Do not forget to wear your Membership badges and if you forget, Gene Roemhild will
collect $1.00 from you.
John said that he is working on some new targets for the 22 and center-fire pistol. What
John is trying to do is drill holes in the little baby clays. It will take him a little time to
get them done, but he will bring them out and we will try and shoot at them. The other
item is we need younger people out here to help with the clean-up at the range.
Larry said that Alan was here and he asked him about painting the front of the building.
Alan told Larry to go ahead and paint half of the building. The paint will match the water
Larry informed the Members that Alan Hyde would like to get rid of all the pallets. What
we would do is cut them up for :firewood. We should also get rid of the rolled up fencing.
If there is anyone who would like to help with the cutting up of the pallets, let Larry
Bill Benoit wanted to know if there is going to be a sign out front letting people know
about the shoot coming up. Larry will do some signs for the front by the road.
Linda informed the Members that the Minutes of our General Meeting are now on the web
site. Alan is putting the Minutes there, so take a look at the web site.
With no further business to discuss, a MOTION was made by Chuck Kinnear to adjourn
the General Meeting and was seconded by Bill Benoit. The Vice President, Terry Webb,
adjourned the General Meeting at 10:01 am.
Minutes prepared by:
Secretary for W.V.V.S.C.
General Meeting of October 27, 20199
Board Members Present: Fred Spiller
Terry Webb
Linda Lee Chevalier
Richard Line
John M. Chevalier
Larry Marts
Alan Hyde (Not Present)
Members Present: 10
The Sgt.at Arms, Larry Marts, called the General Meeting to order at 9:57am.
The Secretary, Linda Lee Chevalier, read the Minutes of September 22, 2019. With no
corrections or additions, a MOTION was made by Bill Benoit accept the Minutes as read
and was seconded by Earnest Williams. The Minutes will stand as read.
The Treasurer, Richard Line, read the Financial Statement for September 30, 2019.
The previous balance was $8.658.36. We deposited $700.00 and expenses were
$2,842.65. The ending balance is $6,842.65. We have $885.00·in the savings account so
far. We made a profit for the Ghost and Goblin shoot of $113.98. With no corrections or
additions, a MOTION was made by Earnest Williams and was seconded by Karen Line.
The Financial Statement will be submitted to record.
Fred informed the Members about the law that Governor Gavin Newsom just passed. It is called the Red Law. So do not post your name on face book or any other place where you let people know that you have guns. Newsom has now made it where any body you know could call the Police and say that they believe that you are dangerous to yourself and other people.
The next thing that you know, you have the Police at your door taking all your guns. Just
be careful what you do on social media.
Terry said that California wants you to buy an electric car, and then they turn the
electricity off, which leaves you nowhere to go in any emergency.
Linda said the reason why we did not have a lot of people at the Halloween shoot, is
because it was Veterans Day and a 3-day weekend. There were also two different things
for the Black powder shoots to go. That was the reason for a low turn out. We can still
have a Halloween shoot, but on the 25th of October or a Turkey Shoot on November 14,
2020. Terry believes that it could be Members and their family instead of having the public come in. Fred said that it could make it a Family Members Day. Someone said
that it could be both days. We have enough time to think about what we have to do.
John said that he has nothing at this time, but he is working on a few things. Fred said
that it is tiny targets and John agreed.
Larry said that Tom Skutnick bought the green clay's and got refunded the money for
them. We are going to try the green clay's in the trap machine. We might be able to see
the clay's better. We will try the green clay's in December.
Larry said that we have not painted the building as of yet. Linda thinks that it is the
wrong time of the year now.
Karen Line wanted to know for the Annual Dinner could we have something different for
the food? Linda said that she would try and obtain a menu from Mo. What Mo has told
Linda in the past, that he can prepare just about anything. By changing the menu a little,
we could save some money. We could have a barbecue, which would include baked
beans and maybe a salad. We have sometime to think what we would like to have for the
Larry wanted to know what kind of firearm we should give away at the Annual Dinner.
Fred said that most people want a pistol. We could get a 9mm or a 45 pistol. We could
also obtain a 357-lever action rifle. John still has the 308 rifle that Lynn won at the
Annual Dinner. So Members believe that we should take it back, so Linda will call her
and see just what she wants to do with the rifle.
With no further business to discuss, a MOTION was made by Tom Skutnick to adjourn
the General Meeting and was seconded by Chuck Kinnear. The President, Fred Spiller
adjourned the General Meeting at 10:27 am.
Minutes prepared by:
Secretary for W.V.V.S.C.